Our History

Unity Fellowship Church of Berkshire County has a long, proud history of serving the community of Pittsfield. Through the dedication of our leadership, pastors and volunteers, we are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and are here to spread His message. We are open to worshippers of all ages and backgrounds, and strive to lead all who worship with us towards a deeper love for God.
History of Unity Fellowship Church of Berkshire County Inc. (UFCBC)
First Baptist Church History
Source: http://fbcpittsfield.org/who-we-are/church-history
“In l896, Morningside Baptist Church was formed. 116 members of First Baptist became the nucleus for the new church. The city of Pittsfield now had two Baptist Churches, one in the South end of Pittsfield and the other serving the Northern portion.
Elm Street Chapel: In 1909 a church-sponsored chapel was begun in the Elm Street area. For many years a Sunday School and prayer meeting program had been conducted in rented rooms in the district. A chapel was built on the corner of Elm Street and Northumberland Road. This was dedicated on October 5, 1913 to the glory of God. In 1913 a chapel was erected on Elm street by the First Baptist Church. On May 25, 1921 the Church unanimously voted to take immediate steps toward the erection of a much needed new church building. It was decided to build on the corner of South and Church Street. In 1926 the Parish Hall was dedicated. Ground was broken for the new sanctuary on May 22, 1929.”
Berkshire Full Gospel History
Martin L. Ball, pastor emeritus, founded Berkshire Full Gospel Church of Pittsfield March 1941. He retired from the pastorate on December 29, 1974. A plaque is on the foyer wall at 130 Elm Street, in recognition of Louise C. Fellows (1839-1912) whose saving of a lifetime were given to the Elm Street Mission.
Rev. Phyllis Ramsey Hostetter, (6/20/1944 - 9/25/2020) was pastor of Berkshire Full Gospel Church of Pittsfield for 35 years. She was a collector of cardinals and butterflies. She enjoyed traveling. She married Garlet "Sam" Hostetter, on June 16, 1962 in Natural Bridge.
Due to illness, Pastor Phyllis resigned as pastor and the late trustee, Chandler T. Pilsbury, (4/16/1948 - 12/24/2020) maintained the church building and prayed for another church to move into the locations to keep the light of God shinning on the corner of Elm Street and Northumberland.
Unity Fellowship Church of Berkshire County History
In August 2017, Chandler Pilsbury introduced himself to Pastor Juana McFarland at Berkshire Dream Center Church. They talked about the future of Berkshire Full Gospel Church (BFG). Pastor Juana met with Chandler and his friend, Valerie Kemp, in September 2017 at Panera Restaurant. Chandler gave a brief history of the church and said he had been praying for someone to take over the church and merge them. He stated the bylaws said the church had to be given to another nonprofit /missionary and that Pastor Juana was that missionary. Chandler was told the name of Pastor Juana’s church plant, Unity Fellowship Church of Berkshire County Inc. (UFCBC), and that she would love to fulfill BFG’s vision of keeping a light on the corner of Elm Street. Chandler gave Pastor Juana a long list of major church repairs, a copy of BFG Bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation for the state of Massachusetts.
Pastor Juana knew this meeting with Chandler and Valerie was of God. She shared that in 2014 she was driving past 130 Elm street one day and Holy Spirit said this will be where UFCBC will be planted. At that time, the church was closed and Pastor Juana had no idea to who to contact or how to make it happen. So she spoke and declared “this is UFCBC church home in Jesus’ name” each time she drove past 130 Elm Street.
On October 14, 2018 at 11:15 a.m. Unity Fellowship Church of Berkshire County Inc. (UFCBC) held its first service at 130 Elm Street in Pittsfield, MA. 01201. Trustee, Chandler Pilsbury, and Trustee, Minister Curtis Janey, were instrumental in the planning of the merger with Unity Fellowship Church of Berkshire County Inc. (UFCBC) on February 8, 2022 with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Unity Fellowship Church of Berkshire County Inc. (UFCBC) was incorporated on March 22, 2018 with Reverend Juana R. McFarland as its founding pastor. The founding meeting was held at the home of Chantell McFarland - Rodriguez (Pastor Juana’s daughter) in Pittsfield, MA on July 2018. Our founding members were: Pastor Juana McFarland, Charell McFarland, Chantell McFarland-Rodriguez, Katrina Williams.
We held out first service Sunday October 14, 2018. Attendees that month included: Chantell McFarland-Rodriguez, Charell McFarland, Taurean McKenzie, Gail Bouknight-Davis (Son Nate Davis, daughters Zoe Davis, Olivia Davis), Michelle Turcotte, her daughter Holly Provencher, Chandler Pilsbury, Dawn Durant (granddaughter Evelyn Durant), Tarrin D’Aniello (son Kevin, daughter Isabella & son Aiden), Jon & Paula Papa, Lili Pereira, Kelsey Breault, Tanya Michaud (daughter Ella), Katrina Williams, Amanda Walton (daughter Laneshia), Ramonia Higginbotham. Our worship team was Chantell McFarland-Rodriguez, (leader on keyboard) Charell McFarland on guitar, Olivia Davis on drums, and Zoe Davis vocals.
Our founding Board of Directors: Chantell McFarland-Rodriguez - Treasurer, Dr. Charell McFarland - Secretary, Pastor Julius Washington, Demetria Hayden, Dr. Maenetta Jackson, and Ramonia Higginbotham. We approved the Bylaws, Tenets of Faith, Policy’s and Procedures, Articles of Incorporation, 501(c)(3), Merger Agreement, Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Policy, etc.In February 8, 2022 BFG merged with UFCBC.
Pastor Juana’s vision for UFCBC is for a “family church.” Everything starts with the family. We believe the Christian home should be church going, Bible reading and Christ-honoring (Joshua 24:15). God laid it upon my heart in 2010 to plant a church after I graduated seminary (Oral Roberts University) and to name it Unity Fellowship Church of Berkshire County. “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations . . ..” (Matt 28:19 NLT). Making disciples is not only our commission, but our responsibility. Pastor Juana's vision is to love God and to love man. She will do this by preaching the gospel humbly, prayerfully, biblically, expectantly.
Our progress from 2018 -2023
As a new church plant, we were in person for 13 months when Covid-19 hit and the doors were closed. We then held online Zoom church services for the the next year and a half. We then opened to in person services for 6 months and closed again due to Covid-19. We reopened to in person services in April 3, 2022. We begin interior work on the church and in May we were given a $10,000 donation from the estate of Chandler Pilsbury. We were able to paint the exterior and replace a lot of the rotted wood. There is still a lot more to be done. The church was vacant for eight years prior to UFCBC’s use of the building.
In the coming year our primary way to grow and build the body of Christ will be through the teaching arm of the church called “Servanthood Ministries” to be implemented in 2022/2023 and will include:
Care Ministry - members serving members and the community
On-line Bible Institute - where you take 6 Theology classes (online or in-person) and receive a certificate
Ordination Program - Train, license and ordain ministers of the gospel
Prepare Enrich pre-marital and marital counseling and mentorship.
Our progress from 2024+
Effective 2024, UFCBC has relocated to a temporary satellite campus in Pittsfield. We are excited for the next chapter God has in store for our church and where His plan will lead us physically.
We believe God has great things in store for Unity Fellowship Church of Berkshire County as we build up and grow the body of Christ.